Hidden Valley, Philippines, one of my favorite places in the world to go to. The resort has many fresh water pools, some of the water you can drink! It tastes like Calistoga water. Seen here is a painting I did on site, of the large elephant ear leaf. Mark and I did many paintings there, and sold many of them as well. We bartered some paintings with the owners of this resort, to get future stays. In this rain forest, there are some trees so large, that you have to climb over their roots.
I remember the visit our team made to this resort. It was so beautiful. If I am not mistaken we had a fair sized earthquake while staying there. For a California boy it was a comfy reminder of home, but for those used to living on solid ground, it was quite a jolt. lol
Jeffrey Horn, at 12:06 AM
yes jeff, and i have some tremendous photos of all of us in white robes! i need to find them and post them. they are incredible.
Sister Robin, at 12:46 AM
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