
Sunday, September 23, 2007

Driving is dangerous in Manila

it's always best to be cautious

Kanlungan Center for Street Children, Manila, Philippines

"Go ahead, make my day, !"

one of the many girls at the center. they are so precious

Paintings by Street Children

The Street Kids

I took these pictures of some of the kids at the Kanlungan Center for Street Children in Manila, our partner ministry. I would like Mark to continue to do a series of portraits of Filipinos, since the one that we had at the show (and sold) received a lot of feedback. So, while I was taking these photos, other folks began to throw jokes at us (Filipinos are REAL JOKERS): they claimed I was training these kids in how to take mug shots so that they'll be ready once they get arrested, and that they were preparing for their future in jail!! These kid's tender spirits were already transformed by the Holy Ghost, so they all could laugh at the joke because it is less of a reality for them.


Good old whats-his-name visited Mark's art show at the Rockwell Center, Makati, in July 2007.
If you know who this is, leave a comment on the blog.


at our art show

& Starbucks of course

This summer in Manila, I was able to finally meet with Dominique, the son of Cathy our
co-worker. Cathy died unexpectedly in March 2007. Dominique is the only child, and his father is an American soldier who abandoned them, just like Cathy's own father had done, in previous military times. Dominique is 3/4 American but has no American rights. Please pray for us as we pursue God's plan for Dominique's rights. Pray for him in his time of grieving and adjusting to a new life. He is living in a dorm and taking studies to become a nurse.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Lotsa religious telabision in da Pilipines

no wonder people are confused

Television in Manila is so much more interesting....

I spent the summer in Manila, and was able to watch cable television. It's amazing how much of the WORLD you learn about in a foreign country!! Not like here in the US where we live in a sludge bowl of media--plenty of channels and no content! And we are so ignorant of the world.

Japanese Guy (plenty-o-kung fu fightin)
The BBC is always great (albeit a snooze factor sometimes)
Was this Al Jezera? I don't know, but I enjoyed learning about the pilgrimages and seeing the Holy sites of Saudi Arabia.
"hey friend, whassup?"
They also had channels from Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, and China.
Lots of dance